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This is the Bandographie of Felix.
Felix plays drums, percussion, ukulele, keybord, guitar, bass-guitar, flugelhorn and he's actually a trained singer. if you want him to play your music, drop him a mail.
He's also the CTO, CEO, CFO, COO, CXO (executive god) at frogtapes.com.

2013 Lensing my Solo project since I play the Ukulele, first band ever that produced a T-Shirt!
2012 Örbn Pop band with old friends
2010 Silver tongued devils covers played at bars
2009 kathy x my first band ever doing music you could actually dance to!
2008 iuubia singer run away after two month but we found a new one
2008-2009 hilde tropengold was re-formed cause they had a gig invitation at mdme claude, gig was canceled because nol-drummers-allowed
2006 The Happy Meat re-invention of happy frogs under a disguised name
and the Duck of Death
grizzly bear singer went to Luxembourg but we keep on meeting.
2005 The Duck of Death. living room sessions.
2005 Missing Maike Pop/Beat/Rock covers. Canceled due to lack of preparedness to perform.

Kein Stress

again with Dog Days singer, but he moved to Hamburg then.
2003/2004 Happy Ducks Trial to re-form "Happy Frogs" with original cast but different instrumentation. somehow it didn't feel right no more.
2003 Proxy Coverband, the best of 60ies, 70ies, 80ies, AND 90ies!! I've been the totally overstrained guitar player.
2002 Pitch Control despair band (i hate progressive rock!!!) during hessian exile, after not even 16-year old let me play to their melody punk.
1996-2000 happy frogs meine erste eigene band! meine stücke, von mir gesungen! bin dann leider nach hessen abgewandert.
1994-95 Private Talk / Dog Days Fortsetzung von "What Crisis" mit anderem Bassisten. Den Computer in die Ecke gestellt, die Synchronisation war doch zu einengend.
1993-94 What Crisis Parallel zur Ballabgabe sauberen Rock versucht, immerhin haben wir den "Hardrock-Cafe" Wettbewerb gewonnen und einen dicken Hamburger (+studio) gekriegt!!! Erstmalig zusammen mit einem Computer gespielt.
1980-2000 solo dann und wann overdub mit diversen kassettenrekordern gemacht.
1991-1995 der moment
 der ballabgabe (46 MB divx avi) war am anfang etwa mühselig, wurde aber immer besser. als es am besten war, ist der sänger ausgewandert!
1989-90 Genetic Error das war wirklich wild! unsere stücke waren besser als wir, die zuhörer haben nicht mehr gemerkt wo die grenzen waren.
1988 Kreuzberger Musikschul Jazzkapelle Feierabend-Jazz mit alten Männern, "Ruby my dear" und so, war schön wenn auch der Klavierspieler immer gemeckert hat dass ich falsches Tempo einzähle.
1987-88 Goofy Droopy Eyes Folge Band der "Flowers" mit neuem Sänger (ex-"Endlösung").
1986 Flowers in the Dustbin den Namen find ich immer noch klasse, ist aus'm pistols text und klingt doch so französisch dunkel romantisch.
1985 Les Extremites Dansent bzw. La Bonne Humeur ou la roue de secours youtube link oder so ähnlich, mit Franzosen experimental musik gemacht.
1984 La Morte Sur Arena-Rock!!!
1983 Dizzy Rain Ich glaube, wir hießen tatsächlich so. Proben im Tommi Haus wie andere arbeiten gehen, 5 Tage die Woche von neun bis fünf. habe mich am ende krank gemeldet...
1981-84 Endlösung erste punkband, sehr erfolgreich, lustige liebeslieder, z.B. "Los fick mit mir geh mit mir ins bett, ist doch egal ob du'n freund hast oder auch nicht!". Wegen nazistischer umtriebe aufgelöst
1980-81 bloody beginning mit dem Chemielehrer Dire Straights covern, im Drugstore "Hey Joe" und "Smoke on the Water" üben.

past shows

22.5.15 21:00 Lensing @ Subito
15.5.15 Lensing @ Ufer Cafe
24.4.15 21:00 Lensing @ 12 Grad Aetherloge
14.3.15 21:00 Lensing @ AbendZeche (Too Dark)
9.3.15 21:00 Lensing @ Jägerklause
14.2.15 21:00 Lensing @ Arcanoa
23.1.15 20:00 Lensing @ ArtStalker
29.12.14 21:00 Lensing @ Subito
21.12.14 21:00 Lensing @ Nussbreite
21.11.14 20:00 Lensing @ Galerie Zeitzone
11.11.14 21:00 Henry Halfblind and his Instabilities @ Mein Haus am See
8.11.14 12:00 Lensing @ Ökomarkt Chamissoplatz
18.10.14 Lensing @ Ufer Cafe
16.10.14 Örbn Pop @ Hardrock 2
9.10.14 12:00 Lensing @ Ökomarkt Kollwitzplatz
5.10.14 Lensing @ BauStück Wedding
11.9.14 Lensing @ Kulturfestival Wedding Moabit, Hotel Big Mama
16.8.14 Lensing @ Arcanoa
25.7.14 Lensing @ Hardrock 2
5.7.14 Lensing @ Ökomarkt Chamissoplatz
14.6.14 Lensing @ Zosch
31.5.14 Örbn Pop @ Zosch
3.5.14 Lensing @ TooDark
5.4.14 Lensing @ Subito
15.3.14 Örbn Pop @ Subito
28.12.13 Kathy, Robbie, Duck @ Dios
26.12.13 Lensing Solo @ Subito
7.12.13 Lensing @ Subito
9.11.13 Kathy X @ Anno 64
18.10.13 Kathy X @ Wild at Heart
7.9.13 Örbn Pop @ Arcanoa
27.7.13 Örbn Pop @ Subito
31.5.13 Silver Tongued Devils @ Ziegenalm
18.5.13 Kathy X, Robbie, Duck @ Route 66, Madrid
17.5.13 Kathy X @ Sala Bumerang, Guadelajara
3.5.13 Örbn Pop @ Soundlabor
27.4.13 Silver Tongued Devils @ Mauerwerk
20.4.13 Kathy, Robbie, Duck @ Dios
9.3.13 Kathy X @ Schicksaal (Tommihaus)
22.2.13 Kathy, Robbie, Duck @ Ninety Nine
19.1.13 Kathy X @ Anno64
11.1.13 Kathy, Robbie, Duck @ Ninety Nine
28.12.12 Kathy, Robbie, Duck @ Ninety Nine
3.11.12 Kathy X @ Dios
28.10.12 Kathy X @ Mrs. Lovell's
13.10.12 Silver Tongued Devils @ Too Dark
15.9.12 Silver Tongued Devils @ Ökomarkt Chamissoplatz
30.6.12 Silver Tongued Devils @ Village Voice
17.6.12 Silver Tongued Devils @ Weser Kulisse (48 Stunden neukölln)
2.6.12 Silver Tongued Devils @ Yorkschlösschen
16.5.12 Silver Tongued Devils @ Ex'n'Pop
12.5.12 Kathy X @ Wild at Heart
14.4.12 Silver Tongued Devils @ Mauerwerk
12.4.12 Silver Tongued Devils @ Cafe Lyrik
10.3.12 Grizzly & the Duck of Death @ Arcanoa
3.3.12 Silver Tongued Devils @ Too dark
18.2.12 Örbn Pop @ Subito
13.1.12 Silver Tongued Devils @ Subito
11.1.12 Kathy X @ Ex'n'Pop
30.12.11 Dr.Duck DJ set @ Subito
28.12.11 Kathy X @ Alte Herberge, Görlitz
16.12.11 Silver Tongued Devils @ Mauerwerk
27.11.11 Kathy X @ Sandmann
26.11.11 Silver Tongued Devils @ Mauerwerk
29.10.11 Kathy X and The Velvoids @ Jägerklause
22.10.11 Kathy X @ Dios
23.9.11 Kathy X @ Wild at Heart
18.9.11 Silver Tongued Devils @ Goldener Hahn
17.9.11 Silver Tongued Devils @ Subito
10.9.11 Silver Tongued Devils @ Too Dark
21.8.11 Kathy X @ Dodo Club
23.7.11 Silver Tongued Devils @ Mauerwerk
16.7.11 Silver Tongued Devils @ Christal Club
15.7.11 Silver Tongued Devils @ Joe's Bar
9.7.11 Silver Tongued Devils @ Subito
24.6.11 Kathy X @ Schokoladen
21.6.11 Silver Tongued Devils @ Fete de la Musique
19.6.11 Silver Tongued Devils @ Lagari
11.6.11 Silver Tongued Devils @ Soulcat
1.6.11 Kathy X @ Ex'n'Pop
27.5.11 Kathy X @ Dodo Club
16.4.11 Kathy X @ Anno 64
15.4.11 Silver Tongued Devils @ Subito
1.4.11 Kathy X @ Acud
26.3.11 Kathy X @ Jägerklause
6.3.11 Kathy X @ Sandmann
5.3.11 Kathy X @ Subito
25.2.11 Silver Tongued Devils @ Joe's Bar
12.2.11 Kathy X @ Artliners
22.1.11 Silver Tongued Devils @ Soulcat
18.1.11 Silver Tongued Devils @ KingKongKlub
28.12.10 DJ Duck @ Subito
10.12.10 Kathy X @ Dazzle Danzclub
27.11.10 Kathy X @ Artliners
26.11.10 Silver Tongued Devils @ Subito
5.11.10 Silver Tongued Devils @ Joe's Bar
15.10.10 Silver Tongued Devils @ Lagari
18.9.10 Silver Tongued Devils @ Joe's Bar
17.9.10 Kathy X @ Artliners
12.9.10 SilverTongued Devils @ Turmstra§enfest
11.9.10 Kathy X @ Turmstra§enfest
10.9.10 SilverTongued Devils @ Turmstra§enfest
20.8.10 Silver Tongued Devils @ Kulturfleck Schsneberg
18.7.10 Silver Tongued Devils @ Schokoladen hoffest
16.7.10 Kathy X @ Subito
27.6.10 w Silver Tongued Devils @ 48 stunden Neukslln
28.5.10 Kathy X @ Artliners
16.5.10 Kathy X @ Sandmann
15.5.10 Siilver Tongued Devils @ Lagari
14.5.10 The Happy Meat @ Arcanoa
13.5.10 Kathy X @ Cortina Bob
7.5.10 The Happy Meat @ Zosch
24.4.10 Kathy X @ Dodo Club
26.3.10 The Happy Meat @ Subito
18.3.10 Iuubia @ Gelegenheiten
12.3.10 Akeli @ Subito
20.2.10 Kathy X @ Artliners
19.2.10 Kathy X @ Subito
17.1.10 Kathy X @ Sandmann
5.12.09 Kathy X @ Dodo club
28.11.09 Akeli @ Subito
27.11.09 Kathy X @ Artliners
6.11.09 Dr.Duck DJ set @ Rote Insel Berlin
31.10.09 Kathy X @ Intertank
24.10.09 Kathy @ Subito
23.10.09 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Arcanoa
22.10.09 The Happy Meat @ Mokum
17.10.09 Iuubia, Hilde Tropengold @ Lades, Kopenhagen
16.10.09 Iuubia, Hilde Tropengold @ Cafe Momo, Rostock
15.10.09 Kathy X @ Wild at Heart
9.10.09 Iuubia, Hilde Tropengold @ Arcanoa
19.9.09 Kathy X @ Black Label, Leipzig
18.9.09 Kathy X @ Artliners
29.8.09 Kathy X @ Lohmuehlenfest
6.8.09 Akeli @ Fotogalerie Friedrichshain
24.7.09 Iuubia @ Zosch
10.6.09 Kahty X @ Artliners
6.6.09 Kathy X @ RAW Kulturkantine
21.6.09 Kathy X @ Fete de la musique Reuterbuehne
21.6.09 Kathy X @ Sunday Salon
13.6.09 Kathy X @ Subito
5.6.09 Hilde Tropengold @ Sowieso
28.5.09 Kathy X, Iuubia, Hilde Tropengold @ NBI
1.5.09 Hilde Tropengold @ Mdme Claude
6.4.09 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ RAW Kulturkantine
4.4.09 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Subito
27.3.09 Hilde Tropengold @ Antje Öklesund
19.3.09 Hilde Tropengold @ Caminetto
7.3.09 Kathy X @ Wild at Heart
28.2.09 Kathy X @ Subito
21.2.09 The Happy Meat, Hilde Tropengold @ Subito
19.2.09 Hilde Tropengold @ Bang Bang Club
8.11.08 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Zimt & Zunder
7.11.08 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Rote Insel
20.9.08 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @, Anno64
9.8.08 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Arcanoa
4.4.08 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Mokum
24.11.07 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ d'qliq, Luxemburg
23.11.07 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Krawitelke, Gent
21.9.07 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Rote Insel
11.9.07 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ RAW Kulturkantine
7.9.07 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Ex'n'Pop
7.7.07 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Bang Bang Club
29.6.07 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Garage Pankow
7.6.07 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Aufsturz
22.5.07 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ NBI
21.5.07 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Junction Bar
14.4.07 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ White Trash
30.3.07 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Enzian
24.3.07 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Why Not, Luxemburg
23.3.07 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ d:qliq, Luxemburg
22.3.07 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Bayern Schwarzer Adler
23.2.07 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Oktopus
17.2.07 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Zosch
16.2.07 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Enzian
18.1.07 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Mokum
17.12.06 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ NBI
24.11.06 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Zosch
7.10.06 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Enzian
27.9.06 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Junction Bar
5.9.06 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Beatclub Kreuzberg
1.9.06 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Arcanoa
24.6.06 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Rote Insel
21.6.06 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ RAW Kulturkantine
1.5.06 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Hot Star Club
27.4.06 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ NBI
1.4.06 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Arcanoa
24.3.06 Grizzly and the Duck of Death @ Enzian

e-mail : felix